Empowerment Coaching/Mentoring for Women

Complimentary Discovery Sessions available.

Contact us to schedule.  

Empowerment Coaching/Mentoring for Women

Individual Coaching Sessions to support you in standing in your truth, power and authenticity.  Sometimes we simply need support and/or an outside perspective on this life journey. One on one sessions give you the opportunity to take some time solely for you with no distractions.  A safe space to look at what is really going and how to navigate your way through in a way that supports your highest and greatest good.  In a way that aligns with your truth.  

$111/60 minute session/$155/90 minute session

Contact us to schedule or for more information.

Deep Dive Coaching Package -

4 Week Package - Ready to commit to some deeper work?  This package is designed for those of you who are looking for support in taking a deeper dive into a specific area(s) of your life. This is a great way to take some time for self-care and give yourself the attention and time you need away from distractions to see what is really going and to support you in aligning with your Truth and Medicine.

$444  - Package includes:

  • 1-75 minute initial session

  • 3-60 minute sessions

  • Suggested actions/guidance/next steps to take/practice in between sessions to support you with consistency, commitment and change.

    Contact us to schedule or for more information.

Wild Woman

Coaching/Mentoring Sessions working with readings from Women Who Run the Wolves.  Ideal for those ready to dive in to the authentic wild nature of your true self.  Supporting you in letting go of “conditioning”, being “nice” compromising your truth for others.  It’s time for you to honor you and the Truth, Medicine and Power that your are.  

$444 - Package includes

  • 1-75 minute initial session.  This will help determine the reading(s) we will work with.

  • 3-60 minute sessions

    Contact us to schedule or for more information.

Words as Medicine Coaching

Words hold power. Every day we are or are not speaking into existence what it is that we truly want and/or who we truly wish to be. Words are Medicine. Consciously choosing the words we speak has the power to change our lives and the power to align us with our Medicine, purpose and authenticity. Aligning with our Truth allows us to be the Medicine we came here to be.

$111 - 60 minute session

4 Week Immersion Special- $399

Includes:  4-60 minute sessions as well as suggested actions/guidance/next steps to take/practice in between sessions to support you with consistency, accountability and change.  

Contact us to schedule or for additional information

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