Medicine Circles

Moon Rhythms Medicine Circle

An opportunity to come together as women to remember and honor our natural rhythms and cycles. To learn to quiet ourselves enough to listen and hear the truth of who we are. To listen and honor what we need in any given moment. To allow Nature to be a guide and teacher in honoring all aspects of our ourselves and our authentic rhythms. When we see the light of who we truly are and what supports our alignment and authenticity, then we begin to know and honor our true nature.

May 18 & Jun 01, 2023 ~ $68

5:30 ~ 7:00 pm EST via Zoom

Contact us to Register and/or for additional information

Women Who Run with the Wolves Medicine Circle

“If we sing the song of consciousness till we feel the burn of truth, we throw a burst of fire into the darkness of psyche so we can see what we are doing. . .  what we’re truly doing, not what we wish to think we are doing. This is the untangling of one’s feelings and the beginning of understanding why love and life are to be lived by the bones.

~Clarissa Pinkola Estés – Women Who Run with the Wolves

This is an invitation to embark on a Medicine Journey of self-awareness, self-discovery and self-reclamation… an initiation of healing and remembering.  An exploration into the knowing and truth of who you are, not who you’ve been conditioned to be, not who you think you “should” be and not who other people want you to be.  This is a Sacred journey into the authentic and untamed wildness of you… resurrecting, remembering, embodying and trusting your innate primal instinct and intuition.  A deep dive into the Sacred Self and Truth of who you authentically are.

Throughout this journey we will read “Women Who Run with the Wolves” by Clarissa Pinkola Estés, PH.D. and meet weekly via Zoom for a period of approximately 24 weeks. Each week we will read assigned readings and then come together to share and witness our truth in a Sacred Circle. We come together to honestly share our stories and to listen and bear witness to each other.

This Circle is indeed a commitment. It is a journey of depth, courage and open heartedness. It will bring things to the surface. It will, most likely, stretch you beyond your comfort zone. It will also make it extremely uncomfortable to hold on to old patterns that no longer serve. Sound like fun yet? 😊 If you choose to participate, I will ask that you show up authentically to the best of your ability for the entire journey.  I also ask that you hold everything shared and witnessed as Sacred and Confidential.

The next Medicine Circle will be held TBD.  Please contact if you are interested.   Private Group Circles are available if you have a group of friends, colleagues, etc. you would like to take this journey with.   Contact us for additional information

This is a 24 week journey.  Included are 3~40 minute Mentoring/Check In Sessions during the course of this journey.  Additional Mentoring/Coaching Sessions will be offered at a discounted rate for group members for the duration of this Circle. There will also be a private Facebook group as a place to share/be witnessed between meeting times if so inspired.  There is no requirement to do so.   The Circle will be small and intimate to allow time and space for everyone.  If there is enough interest, then I will offer an additional time and space for another Circle.

Contact us for additional information  

How this Circle came to be….This book first came to me many years ago. The first WWRWTW Circle didn’t come into existence until years after, around 2008.  I found this book, or it found me in a random thrift store on a table in the furniture section.  I didn’t even think it was for sale, I thought maybe someone left it there.  It immediately called to me.  It was indeed for sale, so it came home with me.  I loved the parts and stories I read.  It awakened and inspired me.  It was the first step that set me on my course for my first Vision Quest.  I knew the book was filled with Medicine I hadn’t even discovered yet and at the same time I could never get through the entire book on my own. Years later, the book started calling to me again and the idea came to me that if I read it with other women and we were all accountable to each other that I might be able to get through it. So, the first WWRWTW Medicine Circle was born. There were four of us that met every week at my house for the entire journey. And what an amazing journey it was. Not only for me personally, but also to witness the courage, honesty and transformations of the other women.  It was truly a time of profound transformation. There have been several other WWRWTW Medicine Circles along the way, each one powerful and transformative.  The Wild Woman Medicine is potent and powerful and very much needed in this current time.  If now is not the right time for you for this Circle, I do offer Mentoring Sessions and other opportunities to support you in building your foundation and for your life journey.

“We are all filled with a longing for the wild.  There are few culturally sanctioned antidotes for this yearning.  We were taught to feel shame for such a desire.  We grew our hair long and used it to hide our feelings.  But the shadow of Wild Woman still lurks behind us during our days and in our nights. No matter where we are, the shadow that trots behind us is definitely four-footed.”

- Clarissa Pinkola Estés – Women Who Run with the Wolves

Words as Medicine

Words hold power. Every day we are or are not speaking into existence what it is that we truly want and/or who we truly wish to be. Words are Medicine. Consciously choosing the words we speak has the power to change our lives and the power to align us with our Medicine, purpose and authenticity. Standing fully in our truth and power, no longer trying to fit in to some smaller version of ourselves to be liked or to receive approval/validation. Aligning with our truth allows us to be the Medicine we came here to be. Join us for an introduction to Words as Medicine and speaking with truth and intention to support you in being your authentic self.

Tuesday, April 11th

6:00 ~ 7:30 EST via Zoom

Fee ~ $35

Contact us to Register and/or for additional information

Additional Medicine Circles coming in the Spring.  Sign up for our Newsletter to receive information on our latest offerings.

Remembering our True Authentic Nature

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